Bartlett Park Ultra
I am looking forward to (and hopefully prepared for...) the Bartlett Park Ultra this Saturday! My current plan is to complete the 50 mile race, but will be somewhat happy with the 50k or the 40 miler. One race distance at a time!
This will be my first ultra distance race and only my second race of any type (I ran a 5k on the 3rd of July [32:05]). After eight years of running to and fro for Uncle Sam, I quit exercising altogether and put on almost 100 pounds of blubber. I started running again last year and since have lost 50 pounds. For the past few months, my weekly mileage has increased from 15 mpw to 55 mpw (with the obligatory weekend long runs).
As I stated at the top of this post....hopefully I am prepared for the race Saturday!! If all goes well, my ultramarathon career will not end this weekend.