Me Again...
The lack of updates is directly correlated to my lack of interest in blogging lately. I'll try to get better though.
My wife and I have been running together a lot lately and it's been a wonderful change of pace! Our usual distance is 7-8 miles in about 1 hour and 30 minutes. She has improved vastly in a short time and seems to actually enjoy being out there sweating next to me. Her current 5k time is 34:16 and she can maintain under a 5mph pace through 4.5 miles without stopping. I am extremely proud of her! I still haven't conned her into the woodline for a bit of trail running, but hope is not lost!
My running has increased in the past few weeks. Last week, I made it past the 60 mile mark with two long runs of 16 and 24 miles. I have been somewhat lazy this week with my running (only two runs = 10m) and have felt very tired. I was hoping to pass 200m for the month, but I am short about 26 miles with only 3 days left. My yearly mileage has past the 1,000 mile mark! Hopefully, I will stay healthy throughout the year and pass the 2k mark by Christmas!
Weekly Distances
6/23/2008 — 6/29/2008: 10.2 Mi
6/16/2008 — 6/22/2008: 60.1 Mi
6/9/2008 — 6/15/2008: 47.4 Mi
6/2/2008 — 6/8/2008: 45.1 Mi
5/26/2008 — 6/1/2008: 31.9 Mi
5/19/2008 — 5/25/2008: 34.9 Mi
For the year (1016 Mi):
June: 174.1 Mi
May: 140.3 Mi
April: 150.0 Mi
March: 215.1 Mi
February: 134.7 Mi
January: 202.1 Mi